Strengthening Your Faith: The Key to Maintaining Your Daily Prayers

Fajr Calendar
4 min readOct 1, 2023

Prayer is the second pillar of the five pillars of Islam, the first thing we will be questioned about on the Day of Judgement. However, many of us find it challenging to establish a consistent habit of praying on time. This article seeks to provide guidance and support, offering practical tips to help you maintain a timely prayer routine while fostering anticipation and a sense of joy towards each prayer.

Dedicate time for prayers

Blocking out the prayer times in your calendar and planning any other events around those prayer times can help you tremendously to keep prayers a habit. By treating prayers as non-negotiable meetings, especially with Allah, you imbue them with the utmost importance. Rather than fitting prayers into your schedule, this approach involves planning your day around the times of prayer.

I recommend checking out Fajr Calendar that automatically adds prayer times in your calendar. With this tool, you are relieved from the task of manually checking daily prayer times and blocking them out in your schedule. Fajr Calendar streamlines the process, ensuring you stay informed and prepared for prayers without any extra effort.

Make Wudu before leaving the house

Being ready to pray when you’re out is a life saver when you’re trying to keep a prayer habit. By doing so, you eliminate the mental and physical barriers of performing Wudu in public restrooms. While it may not always be possible to maintain Wudu until the next prayer, it is a life saver when you can.

Designate a space for prayers

Creating a dedicated prayer space within your home can ignite a sense of excitement and anticipation for prayer. Have your prayer mat laid out and your prayer gown (for women) ready to be worn. Put your Quran nearby and add meaningful decorations in your space. This setup not only fosters an inviting atmosphere for prayer but also minimizes distractions and eliminates the hassle of setting up your prayer space each time you want to pray.

Use tools and resources

In the internet era, there are millions of resources and tools we can use that can help us be consistent in our prayers. The first being salah reminder apps, which send you timely reminders for each prayer. You can check out the Fajr app. It makes sure you wake up for Fajr every day and reminds you throughout the day of the other prayers.

Additionally, it is important to consider the content we consume, as it significantly impacts our mindset. Surrounding ourselves with Islamic content can serve as a powerful motivator for prayer and contribute to our overall growth as Muslims. By immersing ourselves in Islamic teachings, reminders, and inspirational materials, we can continuously fuel our motivation to pray and strive to become better individuals in our faith.

Join a community

As social beings, we thrive when we connect with others who share similar struggles. Seeking out individuals who are also striving to maintain a consistent prayer habit can provide invaluable support. You can check in with each other after every prayer and remind each other of prayers. You can also share your progress and celebrate milestones together. Generally, being part of a community is a big motivator for us as human beings because we feel like we’re not alone.

Fortunately, there are numerous online Muslim communities that you can join, allowing you to connect with like-minded individuals from various backgrounds. Alternatively, you can create a small group with your friends or acquaintances if you prefer a more personal setting. Remember, whether online or offline, there is a community out there for everyone.

In conclusion, establishing and maintaining a habit of praying on time may pose challenges, but with dedication and the implementation of effective strategies, it is entirely attainable. By prioritizing prayers and dedicating specific time slots in our daily schedules, treating them as essential commitments, we reinforce their significance. Utilizing tools like prayer time reminders and immersing ourselves in Islamic content helps foster motivation and a steadfast focus on our spiritual journey. Preparing for prayers by performing Wudu in advance, especially when away from home, ensures readiness and eliminates potential obstacles. Creating a designated prayer space, adorned with meaningful elements and devoid of distractions, cultivates an inviting atmosphere that amplifies the experience. Additionally, joining a community of individuals who share our goals provides support, encouragement, and accountability, as we celebrate milestones and collectively strive towards a consistent prayer routine. Ultimately, prayer serves as a profound connection with Allah, a means of seeking guidance and blessings, and by integrating these strategies into our lives, we can establish a fulfilling and unwavering prayer habit, fostering spiritual growth and strengthening our bond with our Creator.

Remember that Allah is always aware of your efforts and intentions. Even if you stumble along the way, don’t be disheartened. Every sincere step you take towards fulfilling this important pillar of Islam brings you closer to Allah’s mercy and blessings. Remember that change takes time and effort. Embrace the small victories and celebrate the progress you make, no matter how incremental it may seem. Remember, even the most steadfast individuals face moments of weakness, but what matters is that you pick yourself up, seek forgiveness, and strive to do better.

